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Compensation Reports for all Board Members

The Cheyenne County Hospital District #3 dba Cheyenne Manor Nursing Home has a Board of Directors that are elected for either 2 or 4 year terms.  These individuals aren't compensated in any way for ensuring that Cheyenne Manor has a great team of individuals to care for your loved ones.  The Board of Directors does this out of the kindness of their hearts.


Salaries for employees:

Salaries have a base start and with years of experience there is an increase of 2.5% per year for compensation of said salary.  For example:  $15.26 x 10 years = $17.76


Compensation for staff:

Staff is compensated for conferences, meetings, courses, and renewal of licenses if they are working at Cheyenne Manor Nursing Home full-time and have requested for compensation.  Administration has the discretion of approval.