Do you have set visiting hours?
No, you may visit at any time.
May we eat meals with our loved one?
Yes, please call at least 2 hours ahead of the meal so the staff can plan for food and seating. The cost is $5 per plate. Holidays and special occasions are by RSVP only and are $15 per plate unless otherwise notified.
May we bring food in for our loved one?
Yes you may bring non perishable snacks for their rooms (please bring sealable containers to store them in) you may also bring snacks for the fridge or freezer they must be labeled with the residents name and date brought in. You may also bring in home cooked or take out meals to share with them in the commons area on the Patio or in their room (please do not leave any food items that need to be stored in the fridge in the residents room).
Can residents go out with family and friends?
Yes, day trips and out for meals or other outings are encouraged as long as the residents are able to transfer in and out of a vehicle safely. Overnight visits can also be arranged for those who are able to be cared for outside the facility overnight.
How can I volunteer my time?
Yes, we love volunteers. Come down to the facility or contact Jenn Wells.
How do I schedule a tour?
Janette Wollert, Social Services Director, can be reached at Cheyenne Manor Nursing Home at 719-767-5602 or by email at jwollert@cheyennemanor.org. The facility is open to anyone wanting a tour 9-5 during the week.
What do I need for admitting my loved one?
Janette Wollert, Social Services Director, can be reached at Cheyenne Manor Nursing Home at 719-767-5602 or by email at jwollert@cheyennemanor.org
How much do you charge Residents per day?
As of 8-4-23 our rates are as follows:
Private Pay: $289.50 per day
Private Pay if paid by ACH automatic monthly funds transfer: $274.99 per day
Medicaid: $368.17 per day